Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 5 Exercise and metabolism lab

Module 5 Exercise and metabolism lab

Q OXYGEN AND AEROBIC METABOLISM 1. Compare the tidal volumes of the four breaths analyzed both at rest and post-exercise. Is it important for this experiment that resting and post-exercise tidal volumes be similar? 2. 2. Inhaled oxygen should have the same concentration at rest and post-exercise (approximately 21%), yet the peak oxygen concentration values in the post-exercise run never achieve this value. What aspect of the experimental design accounts for this finding?

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1. I believe the answers may vary since we have to take deep breaths, however these are not standardized .The differences in volumes do not affect the outcome of the experiment because O uptake and use is dependent on tissue metabolism (rate that tissues consume oxygen ), and not on frequency or depth of the breath .For example , we can only use a certain amount of inhaled O2 , regardless of how much of it we breathe in . Since we are calculating the O2 that is consumed , it is factored in both O2 concentrations in the air and total volume of inhaled air (tidal volume ).